- Escher “weev” Auernheimer: private sector expertise with e-mail deliverability (PowerMTA, Momentum, Strongmail), automated trading platforms based on FIX protocol, CPA/CPM ad placement issues and many types of arbitrage. Extensive offensive web app vuln and business logic exploitation experience. Bash while drunk, perl while tripping, Ruby while living in SF SoMa. Representing antisec, Bantown, GNAA and Encyclopedia Dramatica.
- Gary Niger: freelance researcher, image processing and web browser vulnerability expert.
- sloth: networking, C, x86/MIPS/RISC asm, Perl ninja, reverse engineering. Extensive corporate security experience. Primary propagator of “LOLDONGS” meme and most feared troll on WoW.
- Sam Hocevar: VideoLAN developer, author of zzuf, streaming/fixed media format exploitation expertise. Debian Project developer and 2007-2008 leader, reverse engineer, image processing expert, and world’s foremost expert at CAPTCHA breaking. C, C++, NEC/m68k/z80/x86 asm, Scheme, Perl, Python, C#, and Java wizardry. current maintainer of the Internet’s most-visited goatse mirror and the goatse tribute page.
- Rucas: (earth)worms, botmaster, shoots whiskey out of his nose when he laughs.
- g0udatron[gapp]: Perl/PHP/JavaScript/C/Objective C/C++ pirate. m68k/z80/mips/x86 asm. Bane of EFnet #anxious.
- JacksonBrown: embedded and mobile devices engineer. PPC assembly. GNAA, obviously.
- g0sp-hell, esq: juris doctor with consumer advocacy specialization and current member of Texas State Bar.
- incog: expertise in web application penetration testing and web browser vulnerabilities.
June 12th, 2010 Posted in
Jun, 12 2010
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