Goatse Security

Gaping Holes Exposed

Goatse Security compromises famous security blog


On Wednesday night, after several months of personal inactivity, a Goatse Security administrator finally realized his admin password allowed him to edit the (in)famous security blog Goatse Security. Oblivious to the fact that blogs are generally irrelevant, he and his army then proceeded to vandalize the homepage and cause incalculable damage and loss of life. When the smoke cleared from the battlefield of blogs, many an ego was mortally wounded.

The victory speech went as follows:

Dear Goatsec,

I have taken the liberty of exposing your gaping hole, and hope in doing so that I’ve given your balls a good twist. As you are a group of self-aggrandizing twats, I have also contacted the media to ensure that this incident gets the coverage it deserves.

In cracking this site, I have sent specially crafted requests to the server with my browser ID spoofed to that of an iPad. Please know that while this was not instrumental in this wondrous crack, it _WAS_ poetic in many ways. I also gave Goatsec the same warning that they gave AT&T… none at all, to patch their gaping hole.
User Accounts have been deleted, and passwords changed.

Props to: The FBI, OseK, MadMax, mre|666, Scratch (Isuki), Sigdie, anyone who knows what Sigdie is, Krashed (because it’ll make Bratty happy to see his name on a deface page, even if he didn’t have shit to do with it)
Fuckoff to: LoRez (FUCK YOU), weev, Apple, AT&T, MI-5, Harry Pierce, and Gay Niggers everywhere.

The previous admin password, which, as stated, was T2!p*uje7ru*, should be considered compromised. Goatse Security advises the general public never to use this password to protect their personal data again.

Big ups, Krashed;
Leon Kaiser, Head of Goatse Security Public Relations

8 Responses

[…] a few hours an obscenity-laden message on the Goatse Security site said: “I have taken the liberty […]

  • This IRC drama gets better every day amirite?

  • […] charges for stealing 120,000 iPad owners’ email addresses last June. As of this publishing, the website of the two defendants’ security group, Goatse Security, had been defaced to read as follows: (If […]

  • […] charges for stealing 120,000 iPad owners’ email addresses last June. As of this publishing, the website of the two defendants’ security group, Goatse Security, had been defaced to read as follows: (If […]

  • ^ two completely objective media outlets.

  • […] for stealing 120,000 iPad owners’ email addresses last June. As of this publishing, the website of the two defendants’ security group, Goatse Security, had been defaced to read as follows: […]

  • nothing like a gaping hole…

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