A while ago, someone came to me and gave me some data involving AT&T iPad customers to publicize, the full story of which I’m sure you’re all familiar with from my previous excellent blog posts. I was subsequently raided by the FBI and arrested, though I have been under gag orders and haven’t been able to discuss the details of what happened. I am now violating those gag orders because my civil liberties are being grossly violated– I have even been denied a public defense attorney on an imprisonable offense. I believe that speaking out is my only hope at being saved, and my story is important reading for anybody that uses the Internet for political speech.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers posts on a lawfirm which did the exact same thing the author of the iPad slurper script did– incremented a numerical identifier on a public HTTP server to scrape data. They used this technique to take data from the Anthem/Blue Cross insurance company.
Was that data the law firm grabbed undefined as personal information according to any public statutes like Goatse’s? No, actually! It was medical records (protected by HIPAA) and Social Security numbers, protected by at least the privacy statues of California and Massachusetts!
Did the law firm scramble as Goatse Security did to ensure that the vendor would have the opportunity to patch the data? No! They spent as long as they could manage scraping the data, as opposed to the mere hours that the iPad slurper did in the interim while AT&T fixed the vulnerability!
Did the law firm collect and use the data solely in public interest, destroying it after it was used to notify the public of the vulnerability? No! The law firm collected the data for purposes of private monetary gain, and as far as I know still have a copy!
Has the law firm been raided by the FBI and had its property stolen without cause? No!
Has the law firm had drugs “found” (and found is in quotes for a good reason, as the drugs “found” near me were “found” in the execution of a warrant for computers only, with a landmark free speech case involving a very angry 150 billion dollar corporation in the balance) within its offices? No!
There’s also a case of a security researcher that recently found a privacy flaw in Foursquare and used it to scrape hundreds of thousands of private location updates, without the advance notification of Foursquare. Was this security researcher similarly raided by the FBI without probable cause? No. The utter hypocrisy of this case is astounding.
My actions and those of Goatse were not criminal; they were done using industry standard practices as a public service. All the actions of the original author of this exploit were not criminal. Scraping data from a public web server is an extremely common practice amongst lawyers, security researchers and journalists, not to mention web developers. I have even talked to journalists who have collected stolen credit cards to discuss the implications with the victims who are involved. Hell, if scraping data from a public webserver becomes criminal, virtually all of the content that appears on Google News or Google Blogsearch is going to send someone to jail.
The warrant was executed without probable cause, as there is no way a reasonable and educated person could believe a crime was committed.
Beyond that, my role in this was solely that of a journalist. I never took credit for the collecting of the data itself. I was a publicist and as evidenced by the way this story took off with proper seeding, I am damn good at that. I took data that someone gave me anonymously and let the world know about it in what I thought was the most efficient way possible. I am being persecuted solely because my speech has angered a large corporation. I have been threatened with indictment from the Assistant US Attorney on the case, as evidenced in these screenshots:
I have received similar threats in the past day to be prosecuted on the basis of “computer intrusion” if I do not give the prosecutor in this case the information he wants, which I do not have.
I have even been denied my right to attorney for a jailable offense, in violation of the US constitution, Gideon v. Wainright, and title 16 of Arkansas law, as evidenced by this court memorandum. It took several attempts of visiting the courthouse and begging to even get that memorandum to show you that I was even being denied an attorney.
This is a complete miscarriage of the justice system, and the perpetrators are scribes serving pharisees and hypocrites.
Why my case is important to you
My case is absolutely important to bloggers and journalists. My case involves speech, and speech alone. If I’m threatened today, you are threatened tomorrow. The ability for bloggers and journalists to blow the whistle on corporate and government misdeeds is on the line here.
If you are a website operator of any kind, my case is important to you. The idea that you could be held liable for telling people about user-generated content is a nightmare.
If you are a security professional, this case is obviously important to you. Full disclosure is important to the security community, and is the only way independent researchers can build a name and business for themselves. It is also the only way which the public can be informed and educated about risks to their safety.
If you are a proponent of civil liberties, my case is important to you. This is the first amendment on the line, and I will be first, because I have been actually exercising my right to speak freely when things are tolerable. Very soon, things in this country will be much less tolerable, and if I am sent to prison the precedent will gag your mouths as well.
If you are a fan of the lulz, my case is important to you. I am the master of the art of the spectacle, and if you would like to see more spectacles you want me to stay on the streets. Support me and I promise you dividends in lulz for all eternity.
Not the first time my civil liberties have been violated
The federal government has a long history in violating my civil liberties. In 2008, I became dissatisfied with the public dialogue on the conflict over Israel. In this debate, the first party says “we must unequivocally support Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people, crimes against humanity and continued acts of espionage against our nation”. The other party says, “it is complicated.”
The first statement is extreme and evil. The second is just plain wrong. I decided to make some videos to balance out the dialogue which consisted largely of support for the absolutely absurd policy of the genocide of Palestinians. So I made some obviously parodic videos consisting of support of the equally absurd policy of genocide of the Jews. Which, besides being an obvious joke, were constitutionally protected speech under Brandenburg v. Ohio.
Let me elaborate on “obviously parodic”. By obviously parodic, in one of them I am wearing a luchador mask and preparing to blow up a pinata shaped like a giraffe while “American barbie did world trade center” scrolls across the frame. In another, I am commanding my “followers” (my audience who is well aware that this is a comedy show) that our faith includes a commandment of wearing temporary tattoos featuring an image of my friend’s dog. In another I am blaming Farrah Fawcett’s death by anal cancer as a result of HPV picked up from anal sex with Jews. In summation, if you took these videos at face value you are a complete idiot.
The reality that these videos were an obvious joke should only be enhanced by the fact that there is a Forbes article comparing me to Shakespeare’s puck and a Fox News article calling my rhetoric “offensive and witty detail”.
Any attempt to brand me an anti-Semite is idiotic. I have no problem with any person solely because of their Semitic descent. Take a look at my last name, “Auernheimer”. Think about the likely origins of this name for a second. Even a quick Google reveals its origins. The most famous Auernheimer of history, journalist and author Raoul Auernheimer, had his way bought from the fires of Dachau by his uncle, Theodore Herzl himself. Come on, I have curly hair and brown eyes here. The claim many “journalists” are making that I am some sort of Nazi is preposterous, but I suppose you have to resort to ad hominem when the public overwhelmingly supported me on the basis of the facts of the case.
So what did the federal government do in response to my videos?
Why, they try to cast me as a synagogue-threatening nutjob in the public eye. I have never threatened a synagogue, nor encouraged anyone else to. I would never do so. How did my name get attached to this?
Let us say, hypothetically, that you’re an FBI agent named Mueller. You have someone whose speech you want to silence. You call up a 3rd party who you have control over, likely a confidential informant absolutely beholden to you because you can put him in prison for unsatisfactory performance. You tell this informant to make threatening phone calls to a synagogue. You then posit that the person whose speech you want to chill is responsible to the victim, and have them report it to the police.
Now that your target has been accused of a terrorist act, they get your name on all the watchlists and your pals at the FBI have “justification” to:
- Have a Jewish group publish their name and license plate number in a Jewish publication associating their name with threats of violence to a synagogue, despite the fact that they never had anything to do with such threats and their constitutional right to pseudonymous communication which has been affirmed by many court precedents both appelate and supreme. This article will later be relinked to and quoted by many Jewish reporters and used against your target. Said reporters will convienently forget to publish the part that says some other dude made the threats and not your target.
- Break into their house and steal hundreds of thousands of dollars of their assets on secret warrants while they are away on vacation, never delivering them a list of stolen property or any means to verify that it happened. They will never get their stuff back. Yes, this happened to me. Yes, I called lawyers. I was told without surveillance footage or some other proof of the theft I had no real ground to stand on.
- Go to their business partners, friends and family and tell them outright lies (they said I “ran klan meetings in the desert” and “manufactured grenades”, no joke). Due to crown immunity, you can never sue the FBI for libel, no matter what they say!
- Go to the customers of their newly formed business, which they have invested all liquid capital in and tell them they are funding terrorism. They will no longer have customers.
- Hand the target items which appear to be contraband in attempts to either frame the target for crimes or put psychological pressures on him.
All this because I dared put forward some politics, religion and humor that the establishment doesn’t like. I suppose I received better than Anwar al-Awlaki, a US citizen practicing his faith who received execution orders without trial signed by our Pharoah in return for merely speaking his mind.
I put at risk and lost my business because I believed in speaking out against injustice. I could have shut up, continued receiving a six figure salary and living a pointless life based on fleecing other people. I put it all on the line because of two reasons:
- After getting all that stuff they have us chasing after, I realized it was all a load of garbage and wasn’t a sufficient bribe to sit in my castle in the sky and watch the freedoms our forefathers fought and died for be flushed down the toilet.
- I consider the absolute disdain our illegitimate leaders have for the Constitution the most important problem to be solved in our time.
I have empirically proven by experimentation that free speech is gravely threatened in this country. I have only spoken up for what I believe in through politics, religion and humor, the three big constitutional safeguards. Beyond that, other aspects of my speech have been lawful behavior in the service of the public. I have been endlessly persecuted by a government occupied by evil for it. They have libeled me with lies in the public forum, stolen my assets, attempted to frame me for crimes, brought false charges against me, terrorized my friends and family (including threatening my mother with rape), and intentionally destroyed my business. The agents of the federal government that attack me truly hate rule of law and the Constitution, and have hijacked federal funds to silence my speech. The founders understood the need for free speech and the marketplace of ideas. These FBI agents have shown they care little for the protections of the constitution, and should be charged with treason.
I’ve also been subject to “journalists” with a complete lack of integrity telling blatant lies about me. For example, Mattathias Schwartz claimed in the New York Times that I demanded ransom payments for the daughters of corporate executives. This came out of nowhere– I’ve never done such a thing, never claimed to do such a thing, and would do no such thing. As far as I can tell, he paid someone to say it. He didn’t want the story I gave him. It was a story of philosophy, politics and Christianity. He also was visibly distraught when I called Sigmund Freud a child molester (which he was), Israel a nation run by genocidal sociopaths, and the Federal Reserve a privately owned institution to enforce a dynastic oligopoly over credit (which it is). So he made his own story, where I was turned into some fictitious character for his benefit. The whole thing reminded me of disgraced journalist Stephen Glass (though less entertaining). It was pretty funny when it happened, but now that his lies are being used against me to a jury it isn’t as humorous.
Or consider Fast Company, which posted a picture out of context of me holding a bag of white powder. This bag of white powder was something called Piracetam. It is a perfectly legal nutritional supplement along the lines of Ginkgo Biloba– it improves memory. It was in a thread with me asking people what nutritional supplements they take. Out of context, it makes me look like a drug dealer. Such deliberate dishonesty has become a matter of course for “journalists” who have a personal dislike of me.
I’ve been subject to abuses of the system like you wouldn’t believe, and need serious help getting out of this. After I’m done, we need to work together to set up a system where these people won’t merely be punished in the next life, but this one as well.
The current nightmare, and what you can do to help
When I was made a detainee at the Washington County jail, after my phonecall two FBI agents from Newark came by and delivered a document. They stated I had 3 days to respond to said document or I would be given a new charge of contempt. The document was placed in my belongings up front, and I was promptly thrown into solitary confinement. I was not allowed to view the document to write a response to it. I was not able to contact anyone on the outside (such as my bondswoman). If she hadn’t noticed my picture in the paper and come to rescue me, I might still be in jail.
After having my money stolen and business ruined by the FBI because I dared speak my mind in a lawful manner, I am no longer in decent financial shape. I have been denied a public defender by the Fayetteville courthouse. I have had all my computers seized on a warrant which could not possibly have had probable cause, and thus am lacking the very materials I would need to take this pro se. My requests to get a copy of the secret warrant used to steal my property have been stonewalled by state and federal authorities.
As I have been denied my constitutional rights to an attorney, I need help to make the retainer for a private one. This is not a burden I can continue to bear alone. This is the sort of thing which went on before the crumbling of the Soviet Union. This tyrannical bureaucratic torture should not happen to US citizens. I do not want America to crumble, and I want to continue my work defending the United States Constitution and protecting the American people from cyberthreats. To defend myself, I need money. I’ve never needed nor asked for help before, but I am really in trouble this time. If you could spare some cash to donate, please paypal some cash to: snailcricket@gmail.com
Please write letters to your local, state and national representatives. If you happen to know any attorneys who would be willing to take this case let me know. I am at the end of my rope. My largest hope at this point is that history will record my future actions in the context of the illegal injustice that has been done to me.
This is simply revolutionary!
hang in there “nicholas”
Will someone with better resources please, for the love of god, help this man?
weev got screwed. usually its the poor that get screwed. poverty sucks but the request comes right near “check day”. give what you can… CEO or welfare recipient. you may be next
He shouldn’t really get any help. To be honest he deserves what is happening. Not because of his views but because of his crimes. He isn’t exactly telling the whole story here. Thats why the EFF won’t take his case. Things like stealing 3 million users account information isn’t free speech. Weev isn’t exactly innocent here.
Uh, yes he should. These are constitutional rights he’s talking about – no matter what he’s done, they should remain untouched. None of us are in any position to know with absolute certainty even the tiniest fragment of the “whole story” – without wishing to be condescending, I’m sure many people lack the technological expertise to understand the process of information collection that he describes, me included. And as he says, there is nothing wrong or illegal with data scraping. It is AT&T’s responsibility to protect the data and they failed spectacularly – you cannot possibly expect black hats to just ignore a vulnerability such as Weev described, because they won’t.
I couldn’t care less if Weev broke the law into a thousand pieces, he deserves his rights regardless.
I’m pretty speechless right now. Ironic considering that’s the aim huh? I’m in Australia and will spread this around. Scary. A lot of people here are aware and support you.
So Australia is filled with individuals who support literal Jewish trash like Weev? Weev is a known CYBERSTALKER and has been caught red-handed HARASSING PEOPLE IN REAL LIFE for his personal Jewish sadistic (Jewish and sadistic sorta go hand in hand I guess) pleasures.
He is a typical Jewish criminal – and is so morally deficient that it can be argued that the guy is a sub-human piece of garbage.
I guess his being Jewish has nothing to do with the sub-human part – one has to wonder after witnessing the destructive sadism that Weev exhibited…
Racism much?
I hope things get better for you, hang in there!
I have posted a short link-to on my blog in hopes of reaching a few more people. I hope more people realize the gross abuse of your civil rights by yet another large company.
What do you, Andrew Bestic, know about this piece of trash little Jewish scum-bag and his efforts to deny people their civil rights? His hate campaigns against Americans, his stalking activities with his girlfriend, Claudia, his countless calls to people at 3:00 AM or later just so he can try to intimidate and cause emotional stress to his victims…???
What do you really know about this low life Jewish piece of trash?
I know what I need to know, I don’t care what he does outside of his online activities are, what people do in their personal time is none of my business. I know that a fellow blogger’s core rights as an American citizen have been unjustly ignored. Are you willing to sit there and do nothing as the same paper that defines YOUR rights (assuming you are American) is once again being violated?
If you have a legal matter to bring up I suggest you contact the appropriate authorities at a later date once this issue is resolved, as to not complicate things even further.
Would you like to post some supporting evidence for your claims or do you not have any? Was he vigilant in his protests and work against the crimes of Israel and that pisses you off? Why doesn’t the violence and genocide combined with the propaganda and lies fed to Americans piss you off? Why doesn’t it piss you off that Israel is portrayed as infallible when they are actually the cause of much of the violence. Do you live in a bubble or do you just believe everything you see on U.S. T.V.?
Those actions are frighteningly reminiscent of a certain cult that disguises itself as a church. Only this cult has unlimited funds.
My heart goes out to you weev. I don’t really know how to help, being in Canada, and being that I don’t understand a great deal of the technological and legal jargon, but the principles of free speech you mention do seem quite important.
Similar struggles are fought by Neil Gaiman of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. Your is obviously a different venue, but the net fight for free information and expression and fighting the censorship is the same.
weev has cajones of made of steel, or maybe titanium.
I contacted a law firm in my area about your case Weev. Still waiting on a response to see if they or someone they know could help you. The lawfirm operates in all state and federal courts and specializes in civil liberties.
here’s to you Weev!
The civil war will come
I copy/pasted this whole thing into a text document, which I am saving to my hard drive. I did this so that in case it is deleted, I can re-post it on your behalf, so that your case will not be forgotten.
I copy pasted the document as well, woah. 8) Rock on brotha
Does it feel like you did something very important?
Contact the ACLU immediately. They will most likely offer to take your case pro bono.
The EFF could be another good option
The EFF has said that they likely will not take my case.
well eff the EFF then, for being pussies.
I bet Steve Wozniak would give you money.
fuk em. i was thinking of EFF while reading this whole thing, and this is exactly the type of case they should be taking. they’ve already got one open against AT+T, but yo boy balls be too hot for EFF, obviously.
I second that you should contact the ACLU they helped me out when my Christiansen school had a bible study during class
We are here to serve GREAT JUSTICE!! You will be saved, as Anonymous agrees. We are taking action to save you.
We are Legion, We do not forgive, we do not forget!!
-Yours faithful, Anonymous-
You will be saved, hang in there
no way man… you are not anonymous…
not his personal army, lol
Yeah, the Holocaust is pretty goddamn funny, until it happens to you personally. You deserve all of this and more, and may your troubles never end. You go around scaring people with your anti-Semitic antics, and you think that it will never come back to you?
Your statement is an outright lie by implication. I have never done anything anti-Semitic.
Perfect example of the anti-speech attitude of the Zionist machine– dare to say anything against the “chosen people” and these people think rule of law and civil rights go out the window. It’s funny how people encouraging the -very real- genocide against the Palestinians never have federal funds dedicated to destroying their lives, yet people who make -jokes- about Jews do. Our government is occupied by Zionists, and if unnecessary wars and murders are to stop in the world they must be removed.
Curious though, how Israel is called out so quickly on being ‘genocidal’ but it’s ok for the vast Islamic Empire to hang women/children in public squares and kill people for the pettiest of crimes.
Israel isn’t the one with the money, Saudi Arabia is, and talk about censorship – why not spend a year or two in an Islamic country? Israel is by no means the good guy, but Islamic genocide is undoubtedly overlooked by blinded anti-Israeli critics.
Jan– I absolutely agree. The Saudis are vicious thugs, and I believe Dubai is even worse with its institutionalized slavery.
The real tragedy in the Middle East is that we ally ourselves nationally with the scumbags like Saudi Arabia and Dubai. These countries offer us oil at far below market value, so we put no limit on the ecocide, slavery, murder and sex trafficking they are permitted to engage in. Simultaneously we attack any country with a moral backbone that merely wants to live in peace and have the right to sell the oil sitting underneath their feet in the way they please, like Iran. We also continue giving the Zionists weapons to bomb decent nations like Lebanon (with a Christian president) into oblivion merely because it is standing in the way of greater Israel. The USA under Zionist occupation has become the greatest tyrant of the world. The day of reckoning will come soon.
Oh lord, not again . . . You do know that something Anti-Semitic refers to stigma not only to jewish people, but to all people of semitic origin, right? The propper term would be Anti-Judaism. Why don’t you do actualy learn what a term means before you use it? Oh, and i am curious, has the holocaust happened to you personally? Just wondering.
the holocaust never ended, by the way. pssht. Loser.
Anti-Semetic semantics! I LOVE IT!
Your funny Normandy –
Weev is a trash Jew. Duh. Little trash Jew goes out of his way to bait people whom he then can claim to be “anti-Semitic” so he and his Jewish centric buddies can assault and and harass and stalk people to intimidate them into silence is just TOO JEWISH TACTICAL to be ignored.
And what of this laughable little Holy Cost?
Save us the Jew whine for awhile – Jews are Nazis as we see through Israeli and Jewish American actions.
Shut up troll scum.
i’m no white-knighter by any means and i’ve been involved in my fair share of less than respectable shit however your case outrages me to no end…..as far as i can tell with a bit of research you not only did nothing wrong but verily offered a decent public service……..
Why would you be outraged? This is a piece of shit cyberstalking criminal. His intimidation tactics of Americans critical of some piece shit colony like Israel (I know – murdering people on the high seas is just a-ok to a lawless Jew) are pretty oppressive.
Weev is a parasitic scum bag – beyond rehabilitation.
He should be committed to a mental hospital and used as a medical experiment – seeing how he thinks it is ok for he as the almighty Jew to experiment on others with his harassment and stalking campaigns…
It is quite amusing, you see, that with such a nickname, you are the perfect troll in this thread. Oh, and by the way, why don’t you go out and educate yourself, instead of firing nonsense in every possible direction ?
And for the record, being Jew is not a crime in the USA, but accusing people of crimes they did not commit is (it is called defamation). Try to judge people on what they do, not what you think the may have done, in you craziest childish fantasms.
your ip has been noted……….and geolocated……prepare to get life ruined for being a retarded piece of shit
i believe the proper term is… Backtracing!!!! XD
[…] that exposed a major AT&T/iPad security flaw, was arrested for possession of drugs. Now, in a long post on the group’s blog, he claims that his civil rights have been violated. […]
your voice is good too much good article civil war is com
[…] full post on Hacker News If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it! Tagged with: Arrest […]
[…] 7, 2010 · Leave a Comment Hypocrites and pharisees My case is absolutely important to bloggers and journalists. My case involves speech, and speech […]
Seriously, wtf.
Also, you should publish the entirety of the letter from the AUSA. Why did you redact your home address — are you worried the feds will figure out where you live and kick in your door over a civil matter (where you were in the right)? A little late 🙂
This is the current reality we live in, sadly. With the advent of “Web 2.0” and the like, the goverment does have (not so much the right) but the ability to easily regulate the flow of information that goes in and out. I just want to comment on this and say that I have always distrusted Obama, but this is quite simply ludicrous. I have no words to say to you, but I am doing my part as best as I can. I’m telling every single person I know about this article and posting it in every available forum I can. Your plight is a most horrifying one, and it is only the first stone I imagine. I will do what I can to help you and everyone else whom is effected by this. I don’t know what to say to you.
I recommend also a boycott of AT&T….I know that my contract will not be renewed. Speak with your money and where you choose to spend it.
One up for AT&T boycott. I am on TMobile as of today.
You should check into getting legal counsel via the Electronic Frontier Foundation. This should be right up their alley.
The EFF has expressed that they will not take my case.
Shit…Have you tried the ACLU then? (I’m still dropping some cash your way, though I can’t spare much)
Why will the EFF not take your case?
am quite curious about this too
weev, your dealing with a nasty federal legal system with a practically unlimited legal budget and you’ve just handed them a bunch of rope to hang you with. I know you feel violated, most do with the legal system, but keep your fucking emotions in check, your mouth shut and get a competent enough lawyer that would really drill it into you to not make the essays until the dust has settled. I would retract this post ASAP and actually get a lawyer. Even if it puts you in debt and bankrupts you it is much better than the alternative.
I hate to admit it, but anon is right. I know, with everything you’ve gone through, that this post and the responses probably feel really good for a while, but the long-term effect will not be in your best interests. Seriously, get a lawyer, somehow.
I disagree. Without the benefit of external resources, I would say (given my admittedly limited knowledge) that sans a competent attorney, your best bet is to pursue a strategy focused on jury nullification.
The following is addressed to Weev:
That aside, I reiterate my request that you contact the ACLU. The First Amendment implications alone should entice them sufficiently to take your case.
Not to mention that they have a record of vigorously defending even the most unpleasant of clients. Including Neo-Nazis, the KKK, etc.
I (and presumably every reader of this blog) know full well that you are not anti-Semitic in any fashion. But trolling is an activity that many cannot understand, thus, the appearance of impropriety in pursuit of trolling will most likely be seen as indicative of your malfeasance.
In any case, I wish you well, and implore you to contact the ACLU. Relate to them what has transpired, and take it from there. If they (for some unfathomable reason) are unwilling to take your case, I have friends who are CA bar certified attorneys who may be able to assist you.
Good luck to you, sir. Regardless of the outcome of your tribulations, you have done a great service for all of us. And that is something that I, for one, will never forget.
And on edit, I see that you are in Arkansas. I shall see who I know who is bar certified in a state that has a reciprocity agreement with Arkansas. Give me a few…
The son of bitch low life deserves to be hanged – or worse. His stalking and harassment and attacks against Americans critical of Israel were and remain morally reprehensible and criminal to an n’th degree.
God bless the Federal Investigators and may you have much success against this piece of trash. We stand ready to give you our experiences with this cyberstalker and his real life criminal harassment activities.
A bullet to his skull and sending his family the bill would be a very appropriate message.
Is this YOU? http://www.wtf.com/gallery/data/500/InternetToughGuy.jpg Dude, you need a shave. 😉
Convicted, even when your out of prison and your parole is finished, you’ll still be in a prison of the USA since a large amount of your travel freedoms will disapear.
Good luck.
I will submit this to every news media i find! i will go and email them all a link to this horrifying story.
Sure you will. Just be sure to play the Jew card – you know – poor criminal cyberstalking Jew who harasses and seeks to intimidate Americans into silence on behalf of his beloved racist trash heap Israel might help the editor sway you to supporting this piece of shit.
In addition to the ACLU & EFF previously mentioned. You should really look into contacting the Institute for Justice. They might be able to help.
Fight the good fight weev, I dealt with the same shit in the Hal Turner fiasco. No matter what government powertrippers will always get their just desserts. Our founding fathers would not stand for this shit.
“Our founding fathers would not stand for this shit.”
No, indeed they would not.
Weev, this is super important so please read this. Stop posting publicly on the internet until you receive legal counsel. You have a very naive view of the legal process and this article is going to hurt more than help you. First thing I would do is take down this post ASAP!
Good luck
Jew-baiting is wrong. it doesn’t matter what your last name is — or what your intentions were — or whether it may be lawful — or whether you think it’s funny. It’s still wrong to pick on Jews. So if your future looks troubled, then maybe you have reaped what you have sown. We Jews own you goy, and we will destroy you and all your lesser nations. You will learn not to insult our superior Lord.
At the risk of invoking Godwins law Normandy, some of us Jews have heard enough of who’s lord will destroy which lesser people for one life time. If you Zionists want to grow up to be Der Führer the same way an abused child grows up to be an abuser then at least have the decency to wait till your elders, who remember those times, are dead and wont have their hearts broken seeing what you have become.
Dude, grow the fuck up. I am so tired of you entitled idiots with a chip on your shoulder.
Whether you’re jewish and can’t stop crying about the holocaust, or you’re muslim and feel the world should bend over backwards to accommodate your ridiculous religious views, or whatever the case may be.
/is jewish and has no chip on his shoulder
Jew baiting is wrong?
So some low life trash Jew like Weev goes out of his way to “Jew bait” others to “expose real anti-Semites” so that he and his GNAA friends can then engage in years long cyberstalking and real life harassment activities is “ok” because the almighty “Chosen Ones” like dumbfuck Weev say so?
So calling people at 3 in the morning spoofing the White House telecom (in violation of telecommunications laws) are ok so long as the perpetrator is a Jew like this piece of shit Weev?
Weev – I told you – you assault and harass people in real life and it is only a matter of time – and your time is not here yet.
It is going to get as bad as you made it for your victims…and hopefully 100 times worse.
You are a piece of shit cyber-stalking piece of trash.
yet again prepare to have your life ruined for being a retarded and butthurt piece of shit
You know, someone linked me to this story. I am not a frequent follower of this blog. But just as a suggestion, if you are looking for assistance, you might in turn help those wanting to help you by clearly posting your NAME, and at least your city of residence.
If I hadn’t clicked to see one of those screenshots, I would not have known who the hell you are.
Stay strong Weev, monstrous acts like these always come to light and you always have more friends and supporters then you think.
Weev is on record as being VERY ANTI-FREE speech when it comes to attacking “anti-Semites”. His phone campaigns and violations of civil rights of others through his trolling activities are legendary. So to listen to a piece of shit Jew like this whine is laughable.
The game is not over until you are done for life.
There is a distinction that must be made between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.
You aren’t distinguishing between the two.
One can abhor Zionism and still support the establishment and continued existence of a Jewish State.
Additionally, one can suppor the Jewish people without supporting Herzl/s perverted vision of a Jewish state acquired by force.
But do tell, my erstwhile Jewish conversationalist, why is it that Palestine should suffer so that Jewish people can have a homeland of their own…
This I would be interested in hearing…
FYI, bit.ly had a domain-level block on a shortlink to this article. This has been removed but clearly could be added again…
Still waiting to hear the other side of the story. The legal system will NOT outright deny legal counsel to a US citizen without good legal reason, and I find it curious that that piece of information is missing. “Weev” knows why he’s being denied IF HE IS, but refuses to say. However, the weight of AT&T on the FBI and law enfocement is curious, given other examples where more serious incidents have gone unnoticed. Fascism comes to mind, but none of us have enough info to say one way or the other.
Jack, the letter from the court clerk speaks for itself. You’re not required to be a US Citizen to be entitled to defense representation for any process that could result in you being jailed. I’m not familiar with classifications of offenses under Ark law, but the fact that he was taken to jail and had to post bond indicates to me that he’s facing that. Why would they book a subject for an offense that could only result in being fined?
Weev only has state charges pending against him right now. It could be months before federal charges are laid. Since he’s not been charged, he’s going to have to pay for an attorney for assistance in dealing with the federal authorities.
Weev is a known Internet cyber-stalking criminal. He has engaged in massive efforts to deny Americans their civil rights for the rather Jewish crime of “criticizing” a low life, piece of shit little colony of Jews called “Israel”.
Weev has engaged in massive levels of criminal activities that violate the telecommunications act, including ANI Spoofing the White House as part of his campaign to deny the civil rights of Americans critical of Israel.
Weev has made hundreds of threatening calls to individuals in his narcissistic belief that he as the Almighty Jew can do whatever he wants to a “non-Jew” because as a Jew, Weev is above all laws because he is a “chosen one”.
Weev is just part of the larger criminal Jewish organized criminal network that controls much of the United States and it is as a member of this organized criminal network that Weev acted with impunity to harm and harass American citizens on his way to being a “famous Jewish hacker”.
Perhaps Weev would like to comment as to why Jews are proven to such pathetic low life assholes in so many fields in life?
Cultural? DNA?
you are awful at baiting, it’s breaking my heart
Will repost for your cause! brohemian stay strong
Dude, it’s just like harassment. All that matters is how it makes people feel. It doesn’t matter who said what to whom, for what reason. I mean, maybe a red-headed man in the other room overheard you say something positive about a green-haired woman. If it made that man feel uncomfortable, then it’s potentially harassment, and it doesn’t matter what the facts are. Well, it’s the same way with all your notorious Jew-baiting. It doesn’t matter what you said, or what you meant. You still scared people.
Oh israel wants peace… a piece of this and pieace of that! but all lulz asside, Don/’t get one of those jew laywers. Beleive me, the brothahood’ trumps all. EVEN MONEY! Or in your case the jew wouldn’t get money, he’d just get banishment from the tribe lol. A jew lawyer woudl do well to intenshonally fail youre case. you can’t spell sabbatoge without “sabbath” (acxept 4 the h.) Good luck reverened!
Well, You seem like a decent guy Weev, and what You say resonates with me, but we deeply, fundamentally disagree on one point, and I would like You to consider this point:
I DO want the US to collapse. In fact, I would do anything reasonable in my power in order to make it so. Soon, this desire might just escalate to unreasonable proportions. I don’t know. What is being done to this world under the auspices of the stars and stripes is nothing short of something, which might be described as evil – so everyone understands.
Good luck and try to get the fuck out. There is life in other places on this planet.
Teenage angst? To young to understand the realities of the world? I was there once and then I learned about reality and grew up.
Weev is a wonderful young man. How absurd is it to make this wonderful human being the symbol of anything other than freedom itself. Grow up, AT&T.
He shouldn’t really get any help. To be honest he deserves what is happening. Not because of his views but because of his crimes. He isn’t exactly telling the whole story here. Thats why the EFF won’t take his case. Things like stealing 3 million users account information isn’t free speech. Weev isn’t exactly innocent here. I support some of the things he says but he is guilty as sin. He is also schizophrenic and thinks he is hacking for God. Come on people the man is crazy as hell. Yeah stealing the information of 3 million at+t users and posting it online makes him a wonderful young man. Or did you not know about that?
Yeah stealing the information of 3 million at+t users and posting it online makes him a wonderful young man. Or did you not know about that?
No information was stolen, nor was it posted online.
Do you think they put you on the No Fly list?
Lies can break down, revealing the truth. The truth cannot break down, and thus will always be incrementally stronger.
Good luck.
>Support me and I promise you dividends in lulz for all eternity.
You have my sword, Prophet weev.
weev is a sociopath troll. Bless the Federal Investigators and may you have much success against this piece of trash. We stand ready to give you our experiences with this cyberstalker and his real life criminal harassment activities.
And my ax
Oh, poor weev. You’ve come so far from mucking passwords from World of Warcraft and offending furries on LiveJournal.
I don’t know how someone like myself can help, but you’ve got the whole of my support and then some. Our world’s going to shit for several reasons; global warming being the slightest out of them all.
This is a horrifying story. I guess you never really know how corrupt and biased all four estates are until you’re on their shit list. I hope the ACLU takes your case and wins, I am so sorry that this country has come to this. I hope to live to see the day this powerful criminal organization called the U.S. government gets purged of its many evil elements.
You have my support, weev. I’ve sent something for your defense fund.
i’m with you weev. does anyone know if this is going to trial, and when?
who knows?? the gears of injustice take years to turn, apparently.
In case you did not hear, weev and one other individual “JacksonBrown” were arrested on the 18th. I believe that weev’s court date is the 21st. I suspect that JacksonBrown’s is the same.
He shouldn’t really get any help. To be honest he deserves what is happening. Not because of his views but because of his crimes. He isn’t exactly telling the whole story here. Thats why the EFF won’t take his case. Things like stealing 3 million users account information isn’t free speech. Weev isn’t exactly innocent here. I support some of the things he says but he is guilty as sin. He is also schizophrenic and thinks he is hacking for God. Come on people the man is crazy as hell.
In the narrow view, we need to stay clear that a web URL is a _public_ identifier. It’s obviously intolerable to have people telling you that a URL is actually secret, and that following it will get you prosecuted. The short term problem is that some idiot website could have a system where you go to ../doofus.php&username=Bozo&password=Password , and is that a URL or a passage of parameters? It is possible to muddy the waters this way.
The long-term issue is more fundamental: laws against hacking were the first defilement of the internet, the first intrusion against freedom of speech. They are far worse than useless – they’ve helped create an environment where it is NORMAL for ordinary people to have PCs infected by botnets controlled by the Russian Mafia. On a more elite level, websites like the one “weev” visited are surely being visited by Chinese with a keen eye for business, who will take this data, use it to trounce them in the marketplace, and never a word will be said about it. That’s what happens when people put their faith in censorship instead of open and vigorous discussion.
Beijing eventually let Ai Weiwei have a partial return to normal life – is the U.S. willing to match their moves toward civil liberties?